#27 Carter Folk Post Fight Ritual --- Photo credit: @Between2Boxes
#27 Carter Folk Post Fight Ritual — Photo credit: @Between2Boxes

This is the blog of a public address announcer & this is the post-fight ritual of Lethbridge Hurricanes winger Carter Folk.


The hit that caused the fight…

In Home game #35 for the Hurricanes, Carter Folk doled out a devastaging, visor popping check to Kootenay Ice centreman Matt Alfaro.  That visor snapped from the bolts securing it to Alfaro’s helmet and flew 15 feet into the air (give or take 5 feet):

(Video credit: Feature Productions – Live Video Production Specialists)

Post Fight Ritual…
Sometimes, even when the hit is clean, you have to answer the fight bell.  Koot defenceman Rinat Valiev immediately came to rescue the honor of his temporarily injured teammate and Carter never backs down.

Post fight, that’s when Carter takes a seat to my left and begins his ritual.  Well, first he may exchange a few words with his opponent he just used as a punching bag.  After that, off comes the jersey, the elbow pads and shoulder pads.  Add in the gloves, helmet and stick; the penalty box suddenly looks like a teenager’s bedroom with clothes scattered about.

The ritual makes sense, though.  When throwing haymakers, equipment gets displaced and adjustments are required.  Others rarely go topless like Carter, but when you have 5 minutes of stop-time action to kill, you may as well make it constructive.

Final Hurricanes home game is tomorrow (Friday, March 20th).  It will feature Hurricanes awards pre-game and the ‘jerseys off our backs’ auction post game.  Hear the game on Rock 106.  Pre-game show at 6:45pm with Dustin Forbes.

Hurricanes public address announcer
Vince is the host of the Vince N’ Rosie Show on Rock 1065:30-9am
Follow @theVinceofRock & @Between2Boxes