Marilyn Manson_06_12

Just in case you’re not caught up with the latest Lethbridge sucker punch news, Marilyn Manson wants police to arrest the man who assaulted him at Denny’s restaurant following his April 4th concert.  


Initial reports said that Manson called one of the women a “bitch,” but that is being contested by Manson’s reps and even eyewitnesses.  



An eyewitness named Johnny Scott told the Calgary Sun that the attack was unprovoked and that Manson “never got a chance to sit down.”


Scott added, “(Manson) was being friendly with everyone, anyone who wanted a picture, he would give them a picture, anyone who wanted an autograph he would give them an autograph. They were just talking and the guy just punched him right in the face without any provocation.”


Scott said that the attacker “took the shot and ran off right away, then I remember seeing him in the parking lot ducking behind cars, he looked terrified.”


Manson’s manager claims that the singer was sucker punched in the face by a male companion of two women who Manson agreed to take a photo with, shortly after he entered the restaurant. The man also allegedly elbowed Manson’s makeup artist in the face.



Locally, there’s a lot of Manson bashing among friends and co-workers based on the initial report; people are assuming his guilt. Is that because they don’t like his music? Maybe they simply don’t like his physical appearance or agree with his politics. If so, that’s sad.


If a man gets his lip zipped for disparaging a woman, it’s hard to feel bad for the guy. Standing up for a woman should be a reflex response in all of us. But before we judge the accused, let’s wait for the facts/truth to be revealed. It’s a courtesy that you and I would want so extending it to others is a must. I know that’s tough for us to do – we are all faulty humans, afterall – but the accused deserves that courtesy.  


Stay tuned for the information in the days & weeks ahead.

