Some Reddit users decided to find out what people think are the hardest words in the English language to pronounce.  With more than 5,000 submissions, here is the top 10:

10. rural
9. otorhinolaryngologist … how is this not #1, you’re wondering
8. colonel … somehow pronounced “kernel”
7. penguin … really?
6. sixth
5. isthmus
4. anemone
3. squirrel … really??
2. choir … really???

And the hardest English word to pronounce is…

1. Worcestershire … as in Worcestershire sauce.

AGREED.  Many of us know exactly how to say it but occasionally invent new pronunciations of the word almost every time we speak it.

“Rural” is often spoken with 1 syllable instead of 2.

“Colonel” is actually easy to pronounce once you’re informed how to say it (Kernel) but no one knows why the pronunciation ignores the actual letters in the word.

“Isthmus” sounds like a 2 year old lisping “Christmas”

No idea what “anemone” is but it seems rather easy to say.

We all differ, of course.  I have the ability to trip over any word any given day.  I even mispronounced my own name before.  Yet, somehow, I talk for a living.

What would you put on the list?