My dad is bipolar.  I spoke about it today for Bell Let’s Talk day, to help end the stigma of mental illness:

That was a 5 minute conversation that only scratches the surface of what my dad and those around him experience and endure. I could do an entire 3 and half show on the topic but at the end of the day what ultimately needs to be said is this:  talk about it.

The brain is like any other part of the body that has an illness; if left untreated or not diagnosed, your future is far worse than facing the problem head on. Speak with a doctor, nurse, friend, family member, or even me if that’s who you’re comfortable with. There’s nothing to be ashamed about.

Much love to the nurses who care for those with mental illness on a daily basis.  Doctors as well.  Lastly, many prayers for those who have the illness or have a friend or loved one who suffers from mental illness.  The mental and emotional toll feels unbearable.  I applaud your strength and endurance.

It seems our instinct is to suffer alone but we need to talk about it.  I look forward to the day when speaking about mental illness isn’t just welcomed one day a year.

Thanks for listening and I wish you good health physically, spiritually & mentally.
